Projects and Services

Our Services

  • Natural Path Nutrition Inc. is all about bringing the family together. NPN conducts family engagement programs centered around nutrition that the whole family can engage in!

  • Natural Path Nutrition Inc. provides professional development for educators in the areas of classroom management, pedagogy, restorative practices and balancing a work and social life healthily. 

  • Natural Path Nutrition Inc. provides nutrition and political education workshop sessions for schools, businesses and community organizations looking to provide nutrition education to their constituents.

  • Natural Path Nutrition Inc. has a diverse staff with an array of experience in education, health and policy. NPN is always ready to engage in any capacity to lend our knowledge on relative topics. 

Our Projects

Health is a Constant Struggle

True to its mission, Natural Path Nutrition Inc. seeks to provide more than band-aid solutions to illness. NPN offers political education for the community that critiques the systems and structures of oppression that give birth to health disparities. With this political education, NPN hopes to educate on the material conditions that give rise to health disparities and to empower the community to become social agents of change. 

Bettye Moore’s Patient Advocacy

Natural Path Nutrition Inc. continues to recognize individuals who are battling cancer. NPN honors these individuals by pledging support in walking along the path with them. Every October, NPN hosts an annual event to honor these individuals.

Path to Wellness

Natural Path Nutrition Inc. conducts an annual Path to Wellness event that kicks off Men's Health Week. Offering free health assessments, incentives for getting physically active, and live entertainment, our event offers multiple opportunities for individuals, families and the community to 'walk the path' to health and wellness !

“When 'I' is replaced by 'WE', even illness becomes wellness.”


Questions about our services or projects? Get in touch.